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    2016-03-30 数学中心 点击:[]

    Geometry , Algebra, Topology Seminar

    Speaker: Dr.  Hao,Ding, SWJTU

    Time:   3:30PM-5:00PM, Friday, April 1, 2016

    Place: X2415, Xipu campus, SWJTU

    Title: Extensions of symplectic Hodge theory to Lie groupoids

    Abstract: Hodge theory on symplectic manifolds was discussed by Ehresmann and Libermann in the late 1940s, and re-introduced by Brylinski around 1988. In this talk, I will briefly recall this theory and give some extensions to Lie groupoids. 


    You are welcome to attend!


    上一条:4.14-18 Workshop on representation theory
    下一条:2016 International Conference on Low-dimensional Topology
