Li, Vice Secretary and A Row Participated in the Student Work in UESTC

2014-04-03  school of mathematic Hits:[]

It was April 3, 2014. Li Zhihui, the vice Party Secretary of the School of Mathematics, went to the UESTC to attend the conference held by School of Mathematics in UESTC, accompanied by assistant Liu.

At half past two in the afternoon, the deputy secretaries of UESTC, SWJTU, SCU and SWUFE got together in the office of UESTC. The secretary of UESTC party committee also attend the conference. At the beginning, secretary Sun show his welcome to the arrival of the deputy secretaries. And then secretary Sun threw light on the significance and importance of the conference. Besides, Sun said that the similarity of their work brought them more problems. He hoped that every secretary can share his ideas and experience.Then, the four vice secretaries made a discussion about the work of students. First Tan mengnian, vice secretary of academy of math in Sichuanuniversity, made a basic explanation about the work of academy. And he emphasized the academic exchange and the cultivation of innovative talents.Hu Jianjun, vice secretary of academy of economy in Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, made an explanation about subject construction and students’ work. Every secretary present thought highly of his instructive and serviced students’ work. Next, Li Zhihui, the vice president, focused on introduction of academy, management of education and the highlights of work. During the speech of secretary Li, the atmosphere of the seminar rose highly. Aimed at some problems, the four expressed their own ideas freely and talked with each other gladly. At last, Zhang Zhebao, vice secretary of academy of math in university of Electronic Science and Technology, made an essential talk about The Construction of Teaching Spirit and Research Training. Meanwhile, he shared some successful experience. In addition, secretary Zhang introduced their Micro message platform to provide more service for students.

The seminar lasted till 6 pm in a happy and pleasant atmosphere. Every secretary expressed that there is still much work to communicate to reach an agreement. And they would organize more seminars in the future to make further discussion about students’ work.

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