College of Mathematics Teachers and Students Party Members Went to Mianyang to Carry Out Learning an

2014-04-15  school of mathematic Hits:[]

In order to broaden Party members’ horizons and, experience the beauty of technology and culture, at the same time, promote the cooperation of school and company, on 11st April, Chen Chunyang, who is the dean and secretary of Party committee of college of mathematics, with Li Zhihui, who is the vice secretary of Party guiding the Party Representatives including 18 teachers 14 postgraduates student and 2 undergraduates went to Mianyang to carry out the exchange of learning activities. This activity is about “Visiting the achievements of science technology, promoting the cooperation between college and company” and “Carrying forward the spirit of reconstruction, promoting the cooperation between school and area”. They visited the Changhong group, visited the new town reconstruction of Beichuan, and they also communicated with Mianyang (Beichuan)  navigation Industrial Park’s leadership.

In the morning, Secretary Chen and vice-Secretary Li accompanied by Xie Guofan, the SASAC director of Mianyang leaded 32 members coming to Chang Hong Group. They visited the Sichuan Hong Ou Display Devices Co. Ltd. and Chang Hong Technology Exhibition Hall. Firstly, the employee representative introduced the development of Hong Ou PDP project, and guided them to visit the new products being studied at the present and the PDP production line. The next, comrades came to the Chang Hong Technology Exhibition Hall learning the technology’s creative system of the group. Meanwhile, they experienced the upcoming production which was being studied, such as no border television, the smart TV able to implement intelligent language interactive, intelligent refrigerator, etc. They all lamented the power of science and technology innovation, and the convenience that high-tech brings. Finally, Secretary Chen et al had a cordial conversation with Mianyang SASAC leaders. They got a general understanding of the situation of state-owned enterprises of Mianyang City. At last, both sides expressed the hope that they can maintain the long-term contacts and exchanges, constantly looking for opportunities to promote school enterprise cooperation.

In the afternoon, Secretary Chen et al left the Chang Hong Group,heading to the new town of Beichuan county. Accompanied by Yu Hui, the vice director of the Beichuan county development and Reform Commission, they visited the Ba Naqia commercial street in reconstructed Beichuan and Beichuan folk museum. Yu explained to the Comrades in detail all the way about the situation of the reconstruction of Beichuan and the Qiang culture in Beichuan. Everyone shocked by the new look of Beichuan post disaster reconstruction. They not only lamented the people of Beichuan have strong wills, but also have a more intuitive understanding of Beichuan Qiang cultural history. Following Mr.Yu, Secretary Chen et al came to the Beichuan economic development zone which is located in Mianyang Industrial Park (Beichuan) navigation. Secretary Chen had a discussion communication meeting with Zhang Wei, the Party secretary of Park Office, and Zhu Shuang, the director of the Leading Group Office Park. First of all, Director Zhu introduced the Mianyang general aviation industry development strategy, letting Comrades understand of the development of the whole industry preliminarily and feel the development prospect of Mianyang navigation deeply. They also believed that the technology will achieve a breakthrough. Then, Secretary Chen introduced our school’s development and research in the related fields. Secretary Chen and Secretary Zhang of navigation industry park had expressed the hope that both sides can maintain the long-term relationship, and the communication between colleges and areas should be more. Every side should utilize own advantages to strengthen the cooperation to promote common development. Finally, Secretary Chen invited the leadership and staff representatives of navigation Park to come to our university for a further communication.

The activity of communication of party member representatives of the institution of mathematics to Mianyang broadened the party members' horizons, let the comrades feel the scientific and technological achievements and spirit of the reconstruction, which strengthened and promoted the cooperation between colleges and companies.

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