Geometry, Algebra and Topology Seminar

2015-12-16  Xiaodong Pan Hits:[]

Speaker: Chengyong Du, Sichuan Normal University

Title: Elementary differential topology of orbifold groupoid

Abstract:We consider elementary differential topology of orbifold groupoid (orbi-groupoid), such as the the concept of sub-orbi-groupoid, orbi-bundles, transversality of orbifold maps, Riemannian metric, tubular neighborhood of sub-orbi-groupoids. These properties are very necessary and useful for studying symplectic orbi-groupoids and their Gomov-Witten theories.

Time:  3:30pm--5:30pm Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015

Place: X2415, Xipu campus at SWJTU 

You are welcome to attend!

Pre:Hesitant fuzzy implicative filters in lattice implication algebras Next:Talk: Compactness of Symplectic Critical Surfaces
